A dictionary implemented as a Hash-Array Mapped Trie (HAMT).
(type: (Dict k v)
{#hash (lux/control/hash;Hash k)
#root (Node k v)})
(Eq<Dict> Eq<v>)
(All [a b] (-> (lux/control/eq;Eq b) (lux/control/eq;Eq (Dict a b))))
(contains? key table)
(All [a b] (-> a (Dict a b) lux;Bool))
(All [a b] (-> (Dict a b) lux;Bool))
(entries dict)
(All [a b] (-> (Dict a b) (lux;List [a b])))
(from-list Hash<K> kvs)
(All [a b] (-> (lux/control/hash;Hash a) (lux;List [a b]) (Dict a b)))
(get key dict)
(All [a b] (-> a (Dict a b) (lux;Maybe b)))
(keys dict)
(All [a b] (-> (Dict a b) (lux;List a)))
(merge dict2 dict1)
Merges 2 dictionaries.
If any collisions with keys occur, the values of dict2 will overwrite those of dict1.
(All [a b] (-> (Dict a b) (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(merge-with f dict2 dict1)
Merges 2 dictionaries.
If any collisions with keys occur, a new value will be computed by applying 'f' to the values of dict2 and dict1.
(All [a b] (-> (-> b b b) (Dict a b) (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(new Hash<K>)
(All [a b] (-> (lux/control/hash;Hash a) (Dict a b)))
(put key val dict)
(All [a b] (-> a b (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(put~ key val table)
Only puts the KV-pair if the key is not already present.
(All [a b] (-> a b (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(re-bind from-key to-key dict)
(All [a b] (-> a a (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(remove key dict)
(All [a b] (-> a (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(select keys dict)
Creates a sub-set of the given dict, with only the specified keys.
(All [a b] (-> (lux;List a) (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(All [a b] (-> (Dict a b) lux;Nat))
(update key f table)
Transforms the value located at key (if available), using the given function.
(All [a b] (-> a (-> b b) (Dict a b) (Dict a b)))
(values dict)
(All [a b] (-> (Dict a b) (lux;List b)))