


A computation which updates a transaction and produces a value.

(type: (STM a)
  (-> Tx [Tx a]))


A mutable cell containing a value, and observers that will be alerted of any change to it.

(type: (Var a)
  (lux/concurrency/atom;Atom (Var-State a)))



(lux/control/applicative;Applicative STM)


(lux/control/functor;Functor STM)


(lux/control/monad;Monad STM)


(commit stm-proc)

Commits a transaction and returns its result (asynchronously).

Note that a transaction may be re-run an indeterminate number of times if other transactions involving the same variables successfully commit first.

For this reason, it's important to note that transactions must be free from side-effects, such as I/O.

(All [a] (-> (STM a) (lux/concurrency/promise;Promise a)))

(follow label target)

Creates a channel (identified by a label) that will receive all changes to the value of the given var.

(All [a] (-> lux;Text (Var a) (lux/codata/io;IO (lux/concurrency/frp;Chan a))))

(read var)

(All [a] (-> (Var a) (STM a)))

(read! var)

Reads var immediately, without going through a transaction.

(All [a] (-> (Var a) (lux/codata/io;IO a)))

(unfollow label target)

Stop tracking the changes to a Var.

Caveat emptor: It won't close any Chan that used to track the changes.

(All [a] (-> lux;Text (Var a) (lux/codata/io;IO lux;Unit)))

(update f var)

Will update a Var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values.

(All [a] (-> (-> a a) (Var a) (STM [a a])))

(update! f var)

Will update a Var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values.

(All [a] (-> (-> a a) (Var a) (lux/codata/io;IO [a a])))

(var value)

Creates a new STM var, with a default value.

(All [a] (-> a (Var a)))

(write value var)

(All [a] (-> a (Var a) (STM lux;Unit)))

(write! new-value var)

Writes value to var immediately, without going through a transaction.

(All [a] (-> a (Var a) (lux/codata/io;IO lux;Unit)))