Functions for extracting information from the state of the compiler.
## Creates new symbols and offers them to the body expression.
(syntax: #export (synchronized lock body)
(with-gensyms [g!lock g!body g!_]
(wrap (list (` (let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
(~ g!_) (lux;_jvm_monitorenter(~ g!lock))
(~ g!body) (~ body)
(~ g!_) (lux;_jvm_monitorexit(~ g!lock))]
(~ g!body)))))))
(lux/control/applicative;Applicative lux;Lux)
(lux/control/functor;Functor lux;Lux)
(lux/control/monad;Monad lux;Lux)
(assert message test)
Fails with the given message if the test is false.
(-> lux;Text lux;Bool (lux;Lux lux;Unit))
(lux;Lux lux;Module)
(lux;Lux lux;Text)
The cursor of the current expression being analyzed.
(lux;Lux lux;Cursor)
(defs module-name)
The entire list of definitions in a module (including the unexported/private ones).
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux (lux;List [lux;Text lux;Def])))
(either left right)
Pick whichever computation succeeds.
(All [a] (-> (lux;Lux a) (lux;Lux a) (lux;Lux a)))
The expected type of the current expression being analyzed.
(lux;Lux lux;Type)
Checks whether a definition is exported.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
(exports module-name)
All the exported definitions in a module.
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux (lux;List [lux;Text lux;Def])))
(fail msg)
Fails with the given message.
(All [a] (-> lux;Text (lux;Lux a)))
(find-def name)
Looks-up a definition's whole data in the available modules (including the current one).
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux lux;Def))
(find-def-type name)
Looks-up a definition's type in the available modules (including the current one).
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux lux;Type))
(find-macro ident)
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux (lux;Maybe lux;Macro)))
(find-module name)
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux lux;Module))
(find-type name)
Looks-up the type of either a local variable or a definition.
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux lux;Type))
(find-type-def name)
Finds the value of a type definition (such as Int, Top or Compiler).
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux lux;Type))
(find-var-type name)
Looks-up the type of a local variable somewhere in the environment.
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux lux;Type))
(flag-set? flag-name anns)
Finds out whether an annotation-as-a-flag is set (has value 'true').
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns lux;Bool)
(func-args anns)
Looks up the arguments of a function.
(-> lux;Anns (lux;List lux;Text))
(gensym prefix)
Generates a unique identifier as an AST node (ready to be used in code templates).
A prefix can be given (or just be empty text "") to better identify the code for debugging purposes.
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux lux;AST))
(get-ann tag anns)
Looks-up a particular annotation's value within the set of annotations.
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Ann-Value))
(get-bool-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Bool))
(get-char-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Char))
Obtains the current state of the compiler.
(lux;Lux lux;Compiler)
(get-dict-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe (lux;List [lux;Text lux;Ann-Value])))
(get-doc anns)
Looks-up a definition's documentation.
(-> lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Text))
(get-ident-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Ident))
(get-int-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Int))
(get-list-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe (lux;List lux;Ann-Value)))
(get-real-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Real))
(get-text-ann tag anns)
(-> lux;Ident lux;Anns (lux;Maybe lux;Text))
Checks whether a definition is hidden.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
(imported-modules module-name)
All the modules imported by a specified module.
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux (lux;List lux;Text)))
All the local variables currently in scope, separated in different scopes.
(lux;Lux (lux;List (lux;List [lux;Text lux;Type])))
(macro-expand syntax)
Given code that requires applying a macro, expands repeatedly until no more direct macro-calls are left.
Otherwise, returns the code as-is.
(-> lux;AST (lux;Lux (lux;List lux;AST)))
(macro-expand-1 token)
Works just like macro-expand, except that it ensures that the output is a single AST token.
(-> lux;AST (lux;Lux lux;AST))
(macro-expand-all syntax)
Expands all macro-calls everywhere recursively, until only primitive/base code remains.
(-> lux;AST (lux;Lux (lux;List lux;AST)))
(macro-expand-once syntax)
Given code that requires applying a macro, does it once and returns the result.
Otherwise, returns the code as-is.
(-> lux;AST (lux;Lux (lux;List lux;AST)))
Checks whether a definition is a macro.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
(module-exists? module)
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux lux;Bool))
All the available modules (including the current one).
(lux;Lux (lux;List [lux;Text lux;Module]))
(normalize ident)
If given an identifier without a module prefix, gives it the current module's name as prefix.
Otherwise, returns the identifier as-is.
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux lux;Ident))
(resolve-tag tag)
Given a tag, finds out what is its index, its related tag-list and it's associated type.
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux [lux;Nat (lux;List lux;Ident) lux;Type]))
(run compiler action)
(All [a] (-> lux;Compiler (lux;Lux a) (lux/data/error;Error a)))
(run' compiler action)
(All [a] (-> lux;Compiler (lux;Lux a) (lux/data/error;Error [lux;Compiler a])))
Checks whether a definition is a signature.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
Checks whether a definition is a structure.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
(tag-lists module)
All the tag-lists defined in a module, with their associated types.
(-> lux;Text (lux;Lux (lux;List [(lux;List lux;Ident) lux;Type])))
(tags-of type-name)
All the tags associated with a type definition.
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux (lux;List lux;Ident)))
(type-args anns)
Looks up the arguments of a parameterized type.
(-> lux;Anns (lux;List lux;Text))
Checks whether a definition is a recursive type.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
Checks whether a definition is a type.
(-> lux;Anns lux;Bool)
(un-alias def-name)
Given an aliased definition's name, returns the original definition being referenced.
(-> lux;Ident (lux;Lux lux;Ident))